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Hussain Omer

I'm a

My Story


Lahore, Pakistan (2003-2005)

I was born in Lahore, the second largest city of Pakistan. This is the place I felt like home; mainly due to the peaceful area we resided in. I enjoyed the very bit of the city; from the diverse culture to the beautiful greenary. I haven't visited Pakistan in over 5 years, and I hope to go back some day 😀


Karachi, Pakistan (2005-2010)

The overly crowded city of Pakistan! I lived here for around 5-6 years before moving to Middle East. I'd say I liked the fast-paced life of this city, and the vibrant nightlife. It is also very diverse in culture than any other city


Doha, Qatar (2010-2015)

This is where I developed many memories both with my family and friends. I mainly preferred the various sightseeing places, especially the historic sites which reflected the Arabian culture! Looking forward to go back someday as there have been quite some new advancements made in the city! 🙂

About ME

đź‘‹ I'm a 3rd year Computer Science and Statistics student at the University of Toronto. My goal is to develop software that serves the community and contributes to building a more digitally inclusive world. This Winter 2024, I'll be joining Wealthsimple as a Software Engineer Intern working with the Application Security team. Previously, I was a Software Developer Intern @ RBC working with the External Threat Surface team on automation tools and remediating vulnerabilities, a Technology Analyst Intern @ Deloitte working with the Gi 3 team on software solutions, a Software Engineer Intern @ Photon Commerce working with the Data team on payment solutions, and a DevOps Engineering Intern @ Major League Hacking (MLH) working with cloud & containers.

Outside of work, I mainly enjoy playing basketball, socializing with friends, and also meeting new people!

✨ Seeking Summer 2024 Software Engineering Internships.

Quick Summary 📋


I have attended over 12+ hackathons to create beneficial projects, expand my skills, and network with other individuals! I recently attended Hero Hacks II where I got the opportunity to develop a web-conferencing app using technologies such as react and ended up winning the most creative use of Twilio prize category. I hope to continue my passion for joining different hackathons and building something meaningful.


I'm a Microsoft Student Ambassador which enables me to make an impact in the community through conducting technical workshops, and organizing different events. I also have 8 months of experience in project management & SR&ED. Working in different internships has also strengthened my leadership skills as I closely worked on projects with tech leads, and collaborated across different teams.

Blog/Technical Writing

Recently, I worked at GeeksforGeeks as a part-time Technical Writer where I wrote documentations on various topics such as Data Structures and Algorithms, and Web development. I also enjoy writing personal blogs on Medium, and sharing self-reflections. I previously wrote blogs/articles for a youth organization called AI4AI

Featured Blogs

“Chances Of My College Admission?”

Sharing personal experiences and hoping to relieve the stress of high school seniors. Article got published in StudentsxStudents

Getting Your First Tech Internship

Sharing personal experiences and tips in landing the first SWE internship and also interviews and offers I received in my freshmen and sophomore year

My Works-in-Progress

Randomized Stocks Liquidity Feed: GitHub
Trying to learn Ruby on Rails
Apache AGE Drivers + Documentation ~ Open Source
Planning/Executing a workshop ~ MLSA'22
CSC207 - Intro. To Software Design Coursework
CSC236 - Theory of Computation Coursework
CSC263 - Data Structures and Analysis Coursework
GGR381 - Spatial Database Coursework



I have done 2 SWE internships within security at RBC, and Wealthsimple. At RBC, I worked with tools like Tenable, Aqua, and XSOAR/XPANSE for remediation of vulnerabilities and automation. At Wealthsimple, I worked with internal security tools and SAST solutions. Both experiences have given me a good exposure to the security niche, and insights into developing

Full-Stack Development

I started learning web dev since Grade 12 by creating small websites to host my blogs. Then, I created this portfolio website, and my interest began to further develop when I got the opportunity to build unique full-stack web-apps in hackathons, and developing features for apps in different internships.

Data Analysis

I did a 8-month internship as a Tech Analyst @ Deloitte, where I got the opportunity to also build my data analysis skills by analyzing agile documentations, and quantifying R&D activities. I also did a bit of self-learning on DataCamp , where I completed a intro course on PostgreSQL. This course really helped me strengthen my understanding for the University course, GGR381: Spatial Database.

Growth Mindset

I like to tackle unique challenges whether through hackathons or internships. I like to solve problems with code, and always look for ways where I can help make a positive impact.


I like to take upon a leadership role often to be involved in decision-making, and guiding others to achieve a common goal. I find myself learning more, as a result.


I tend to enjoy working in collaborative work settings because they offer the ideal envrionment to leverage different people's perspectives to create better solutions or propose ideas. Hackathons are a great way to enhance teamwork.

My Projects



A web-conferencing app to promote effective learning practices and encourage collaboration. HeroHacks II Winner (Most Creative Use Of Twilio)

Technologies: React.js | Firebase | Twilio | Bootstrap | Figma

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A plant-care system that includes users' plant data and other information, as well as daily reminders.

Technologies: React.js | Node.js | Express | Bootstrap | MySQL | Twilio - Full-Stack

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Secure Voting App: Facial Recognition & ID Verification for Registration-Free Voting

Technologies: React.js | Typescript | MongoDB | Bootstrap | Flask - Full-Stack

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A to-do list that has been gamified in order to increase productivity while also providing the user with a fun experience.
30+ users. 25+ stars.

Technologies: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Figma

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An app that makes it easier to locate individuals who require immediate assistance, with just 2 taps!. MesoHacks Winner (Most Creative Use of GitHub)

Technologies: Flutter | Dart | Twilio | Node.js | JavaScript

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Ride-Share App

A web application that makes transportation for passengers and drivers more environmentally friendly, and efficient.

Technologies: React.js | Node.js | Express | Material UI | MongoDB | Stripe/Google Maps API - Full-Stack

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Guide Mobile

An application that converts an image and outputs a speech representation of the particular image with 80% accuracy.

Technologies: Python | TensorFlow | Django

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Move in silence, only speak when it’s time to say checkmate.

Kr. Pankaj Yadav

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